Store Sales tool strategy and software for food stores, patented. The product is offered to customers in stores. The product is designed for mass production is deliverable to the door with a CE marking unique in the world. The hardware is mass produced and sold globally.
The Bagholder product, patented, carrying and supporting shopping bags in carts and baskets. The product works in hand-scanning stores and similar automated stores like Amazon’s, Spars, JD and Hema’s cashier less stores. The manufacturer is ISO certified and manufactures plastic parts for Fiskars tools.
- The product made from polyamide plastic attaches to carts and baskets in a food store carrying bags at all times.
- Best usable with new biodegradable bags creating effective use both for store and trash.
- The manufacturer has quality and environment certificates ISO 9001:2008 and14001:2004.
The store sales tool:
91 % of all shoppers have a primary store! (1)
76 % of purchase decisions are made in the store! (2)
Dropping prices by 30 % requires a 57 % increase in customer numbers to reach a 10% increase in return. (3)
With our store sales tool and strategy, you can increase return by 52.000 based on numbers from a smaller store. Implemented in 100 stores gives a share value increase of 173 million. (4)
- It creates a service for the customer.
- It increases return in the store through more sales. Average excess return in one smaller store +€ 1.000, - more per week for chosen products over a period of 1,5 years measured daily from accounting data. (5)
- Its costs are 7% of return.
- In addition costs can be further lowered as the tool can in an effortless way increase and direct sales efforts to customers also in real time. The tool offers a drastically reduced electricity consumption compared to normally.
- It increases worker wellbeing (An organisation with similar qualities is usually 6 times as profitable compared to a normal operation.) (6) What does, and can worker wellbeing mean? At least +8% Highly motivated employees, +37% More motivated employees, -45% lowly motivated employees and +1% in sales*. The store sales tool creates a way for the staff to impact their own performance which is even better.
- It reduces food waste. Through more sales and then through directed sales. These directed sales can be +30% on top of the previous. In an American study by prof. Wansink sales were raised by 30% in 68 stores through price offers. (5)
- It creates affordable ads. E.g. a 1 day 1-page ad in a Helsinki newspaper costs € 10.000, -. This amount buys the tool for 3 years and most customers, 91%, have 1 primary store.
- It increases attention and improves and sustains tidiness in the store which is important especially in a competitive environment, sometimes even the dividing factor when customers compare and choose adjacent stores.
The math a 1.000 a week is 52.000, - a year per store. 100 stores X 52.000, - is € 5,2 million per year. Using Gordons growth formula this has a value of 173 million.
-* One of the products traits, measuring results, was tested by the chain Sonae and declared the winner for 2017 in their yearly publication. Further proof of return from the store sales tool strategy. The Winner! Here one can add the figures from a worker wellbeing strategy to the overall return Worten(Sonae) has tried an incentive scale program for staff and announced it as their winner for 2017 it resulted in: 1% increase in sales, +8% Highly motivated employees, +37% More motivated employees and lowered the percentage of less motivated employees by -45%, through a platform that allows everyone to keep up with not only their own performance but their co-workers’ too, as well as the shops’ and the goals to be reached.
The store sales tool creates a way for the staff to impact their own performance which is even better of course.
(1) http://www.hartman-group.com/
(2) The Point of Purchase Advertising International (POPAI) (2.) Harvard Business Review. Procter & Gamble
(3.) Calculation excel and research.
(4.) Daily recorded sales and return figures from test store.
(5) http://www.statista.com/statistics/262075/amount-of-wasted-food-in-the-us-by-food-category/
(6) *An environment like the one described is the most important resource affecting competitiveness, result and image. A rule of thumb is that one Euro invested in the working atmosphere pays itself back 6-fold. *Source, Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
The Bagholder product:
In Accenture’s study of 15.000 buyers in 20 countries 40 percent of respondents ranked improving the in-store customer experience as first. (1)
Research by Roland Berger indicates that customers choose where they buy on three main criteria: Convenience, Price and Diversity. (2)
Convenience can be seen as depending on total time spent in shopping and on the value of the time spent. (1,2)
Spending shorter periods at the checkout is what customers want in general and in the survey. (1,2)
The product creates a “pic, bag and go” function.
- The product increases convenience.
- It guides the customer to bag items during shopping so that she is ready to leave straight after paying.
- It can create 6 times faster check out.
- It reduces space needed and queues in the store.
- It can increase Bio bag revenue. 300 purchases daily create a yearly return of 36.343, - in one store.
- It advocates the dual use of the new bio-degradable bags for shopping and trash, which is the most effective way. Corn material can even “be eaten”. Added value to company with implementation in 100 stores using bag sales alone is 121 million. Less needed space can mean a yearly saving of 30.000 for 12 m2, 10 more shoppers per day can mean 33.600 more in return plus the 36.343 in bag sales.
(1,2) Accenture and Roland Berger. (Numerous others of course…)
The Store Sales tool, in stores where 76% of purchase decisions are made (we the shoppers behave and are the same as are most stores as well globally.)
The Bagholder product, during shopping with hand scanning stores or stores that function similarly. E.g. Amazon cashier less stores and Walmart, Kroger, Ahold etc.
The Store Sales tool, subjecting the customer to the service. And The Bagholder product, offering bags and guiding bag usage in order for the customers to always be ready to walk out immediately after paying.
Both products function in food stores and possibly other stores.
Both products provide a service for store customers bringing value added to the store and fringe benefits for staff as well.
The Store Sales tool, Production and delivery of the Store sales tool on contract. Standard hardware is mass produced for global use with CE markings. The Bagholder product, is produced by a Finnish manufacturer (producing plastic parts for Fiskars tools among others) with quality and environment certificates ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004.
Is an ongoing concern.
Area of operation
The store sales tool and strategy work in most stores globally.
The Bagholder product functions in stores with hand-scanning, (e.g. Walmart, Costco, Kroger, Ahold, Tesco, ASDA, Waitrose, Auchan, Carrefour, ATAC, E.Leclerc, Groupe Casino, Feneberg, Manor, Coop, Supevalu, Coop, Conad, Esselunga, Finiper, E.Leclerc Conad, Iperal, Famila, Bennet, Tigros etc.). Amazon, that recently purchased Whole Foods, cashier less store functions along these lines. In China chains like JD, Hema (Alibaba) and Bingo box are opening stores with automated payment functions. Spar has opened its first cashless store with automated payment solution.
The Bagholder product is design patented in Europe. Its competition or obstacles are non-hand-scanning stores, and canvas bag type arrangements. Many or most stores are still using double solutions i.e. cashiers and hand-scanning. There is ample room for the Bagholder product in other words. Overall thoughts with regards to store processes is that it can add value in many places. The new eco plastic materials are favourable for the Bagholder overall.
The store sales tool and strategy, patented. Importantly customer numbers and market share of a chain stay quite constant with time. A store has its customers and they come to shop among the products they know very well. (Also, why it is the most effective place for the product.) Alternatively, they may use the chains internet or online offerings and services. A store is always a great or good market place. An online purchase function is always different than a store visit and is a more list buying event. The internet is also a different or a more confined place to market food.
In our markets a store can increase profits and sell more with the product. Simultaneously the mentioned added values and benefits arise with the store tool. They will further contribute to return of the store or chain. Of course, it all starts with the customer and the service created for her.
Competitors are not offering a system like the store sales tool. Centrally driven and mobile driven solutions are quite common. The store sales tools many benefits are unprecedented.
HQ: Helsinki, Finland.
Production: Helsinki, Finland. Kaarina, Finland. International.
Email: info@strategies.fi
Business Hours: Available
DUNS: 36-822-9286