Software medicine combats isolation and helps recovery. European and other research shows its functions reduces pain medication by over 50% after procedure. Using it is good for the patient. It pre-empts psychiatric problems and deals with current ones as well as improves quality of life. In addition, it saves other costs at the institution. The device treatment creates a return for the institution and can be subsidised by the government and can be eligible for insurance coverage. Similar treatment and therapy are subsidized and covered by insurance in sickness. The medicinal qualities enable a cost to be put on the device that can cover and supersede its fee costs. This treatment can be automatically and independently implemented in a timely manner and cost effectively. Alternative devices do not possess these needed qualities of the Software medicine. The Personnel can aid in the recovery in many ways and improve processes reducing costs further. The hospital can charge a fee for the usage of the device. It is a Medical Device 1 (CE) E.g. the Chief Physician of Research at the University hospital endorses this device as well as the Chief Physician of development at the same institution and a nursing director too and others. The device follows clinical research results rigorously. The CER encompasses 240 clinical researches proving the software medicine function effects. No contraindications are found. There is a massive amount of research and studies proving the effect of the different functions globally as we fall ill similarly and mend in the same way universally. The device is independent and automatic; however, it can be connected to institutional systems if need be.
Life threatening to patients worldwide today are isolation. Pain hurts and scares us as well as not knowing how it affects our loved ones. Healthcare professionals want to offer the best care; however, they are all on a tight budget. Today some patients choose to die early due to budget frameworks and lack of funds. It is good for the patient and reduces costs. Vast amounts of global research show that parts and functions comprising Software Medicine have health improving effects. Especially the research points out the functions of Software Medicine as essential to achieve the right effect which the device framework provides. Reduction in pain has dropped medication by over 50% when subjecting patients to Software medicine functions. Positive effects found with PROs in studies at eg. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center: "If a drug were found that could reduce mortality while improving quality of life and decreasing urgent care visits, we would consider such a drug to be standard of care." In relation to effects of prolonged life and improved quality of life found. Its function has improved quality of life by 15% over 6 months. Its function has increased survival over 1 year by 6,5%. Software Medicine functions after stroke not only enhances behavioural recovery, but also induces fine-grained neuroanatomical changes in the recovering brain. Savings and cost reductions can be large around patient and personnel with the device. The number 1 factor present in most if not all related global research is isolation and problems around it. Most doctors in Britain see between 1 and 5 patients a day due to isolation. Software medicine is effective for this in its environment. Britain has appointed a minister for loneliness because health implications and costs are staggering due to loneliness. Software medicine tackles all mentioned measures and problems in research around hospital, geriatric, home, memory sickness and psychiatric care. Thus the 3 most important buys are; Firstly; combatting isolation, reducing pain and creating better health for the patient. Secondly; automatic function of the device at arm’s length quickly and inexpensively at the place of implementation. Thirdly; resource saving, low cost and even income creating at the place of implementation (Many times this cost consideration is the deciding factor for a device with effect.). A very crude calculation estimate for the patient only can provide savings of +30, - € per example patient. For an institution with 500 beds and 10 patients per month/bed implemented for everyone suitable, would equal 1,8 million yearly (Using Gordons growth formula this equals a value of 60 million). To this can be added the additional 10 -100 € million, for other cost reductions, from a valuation perspective per institution. In total 60+10-100 mil. = €70-160 mil. Software medicine. MD1 (CE). Price is the number one criterion in many purchase situations for a device with effect. In this case both health improving, and superior return relationships are combined.
Covid-19 insert. Software Medicine is good for the whole care cycle and thus is suited for Covid-19 phases too:
Covid-19 is prolonged, unfortunately and its effects. In the ICU patients are usually conscious and experience a wider range of distressing stimuli, including mechanical ventilation, shown to induce anxiety in an estimated 70% of ICU patients. Complications associated with ICU patients are delirium, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. Delirium is thought to be a consequence of an organic brain dysfunction potentiated by many commonly used ICU medications. Acute psychologic insults borne in critical illness can lead to stress and depressive symptoms that occasionally persist outside the ICU, PTSD after discharge is reported in up to 27% of patients and depression in up to 46%. Research indicate that Software Medicine function in the ICU help manage these complications by decreasing the need for sedatives during mechanical ventilation (likely staving off delirium), reducing length of stay, as well as reducing physiologic signs if anxiety and biomarkers of the stress responses.
In global hospital, geriatric, home, memory sickness and psychiatric care. To use before, during and after a perioperative period.
Subjecting the patient and the groups to Software medicine.
In hospital, geriatric, home, and psychiatric care for the patients. Treatments for memory diseases and different psychiatric disorders fit the functionalities of the device too.
For patients at hospitals after procedure for longer and shorter-term care and in geriatric-, home- and psychiatric care. Patient and her care taker group.
Production and delivery of the Software medicine on contract.
Is an ongoing concern.
Area of operation
Europe, USA and Asia. Hospitals*, geriatric and home care institutions mainly.
Hospital numbers by top countries: China 69.105, India 15.067, Vietnam 12.500, Nigeria 11.588, Russia 11.200, Japan 9.143, Europe 7.154, Egypt 6.446, Brazil 6410, USA 6.097
Hospital beds per 1000 people Japan 13,4 beds per 1000, Germany 8,27 beds (E.g. translating in Germany with 80 mil. people to 661.600 beds.) Austria 7,65, Poland 6,55, France 6,37, Belgium 6,31, Finland 5,52, Australia 3,77, Italy 3,42, US 3,26, Spain 3,05, UK 2,95, Sweden 2,75 Canada 2,71. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Healthcare_resource_statistics_-_beds
Worldwide prescription drug sales
Worldwide prescription drug sales expected to reach almost one trillion dollars by 2020. EvaluatePharma® finds that the market for prescription drugs, based on consensus forecasts for the leading 500 pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, will grow by a robust 4.8% per year (CAGR) to reach $987bn by 2020.
To provide the functions securely in even a rapid manner a Software medicine is needed. These criteria are not filled by the other alternatives. In addition, it is good to stress the importance of the specific functions for the benefits to materialise as the research points out.
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Production: Helsinki, Finland.
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